Many Christians worldwide celebrate Easter with special church services, music, candlelight, flowers and the ringing of church bells.  Easter processions are held in some countries such as the Philippines and Spain.  Many Christians view Easter as the greatest feast of the Church year.  It is a day of joy and celebration to commemorate that Jesus Christ is risen, according to Christian belief.

Although Easter maintains great religious significance, many children in countries such as Australia, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, think of it as a time to get new spring clothes, to decorate eggs and to participate in Easter egg hunts where eggs are hidden by the Easter Bunny. Some children receive Easter baskets full of candy, snacks and presents around this time of the year.

Many Christians celebrate Easter Sunday as the day of Jesus Christ’s resurrection, which is written in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. According to the Gospel of John in the New Testament, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb where Jesus was buried and found it empty.  An angel told her Jesus had risen. Christians worldwide have celebrated Easter for centuries.

Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny are both fertility symbols, holdovers from the feast of Eostara. Other symbolic parallels include the pagan joy in the rising sun of spring, which coincides with a Christians’ joy in the rising Son of God, and the lighting of candles in churches, which corresponds to the pagan bonfires. The symbol of the cross and images of Jesus Christ, through paintings or statues, are remembered on Easter Day.

However you celebrate this season, I hope you enjoy your long weekend and have a great Easter!

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